Course Description

  • We live and experience our lives through our physical bodies. Every move we make, every person we encounter, every experience we have, leaves an impression on our bodies. From those impressions we create narratives. These narratives are then stored in our bodies, in our tissues, in ways that often elude our awareness. This class is designed to lead you and your clients back to the inherent wisdom of our felt and embodied experience.

  • Perhaps you feel that you’ve hit a wall in conducting traditional talk therapy, as though you’re talking in circles. Maybe you’re offering insights and interpretation, but no real action or change is taking place within your clients. This class is perfect for you. In this class, you’ll learn how to attend to the somatic information inherent and emergent in every moment, of every session in a nurturing and insight-oriented approach.

  • Working experientially, with this information and with your client, you’ll see how you can deepen the therapeutic relationship, heighten the quality of the therapeutic relationship and the experience of therapy and effect more impactful new awareness and change for your client.

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Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to Bhava Therapy Group Continuing Education!

    • Introduction to Somatic & Experiential Psychotherapy - 1.75 CE

    • Module 1 Introduction - Introduction to Somatic & Experiential Psychotherapy

  2. 2
    • References - Defining Somatic & Experiential Psychotherapy

    • Defining Somatic & Experiential Psychotherapy - HANDOUTS - Please download

  3. 3
    • Module 2 Defining Somatic & Experiential Psychotherapy

  4. 4
    • Module 3 Premises of Somatic & Experiential Work

  5. 5
    • Module 4 Somatic & Experiential vocabulary & Body Dialoging

  6. 6
    • Module 5 Multidimensional Levels of Sensing, Perceiving and Knowing Ourselves

  7. 7
    • Module 6 Key Elements & Concepts

  8. 8
    • Module 7 Tying It All Together - Tips & Considerations

  9. 9
    • Module 8 Case Scenarios

  10. 10
    • Module 9 Summary

  11. 11
    • Posttest - Instructions

    • Posttest Defining Somatic & Experiential

  12. 12
    • Please take this short questionnaire.

    • Introduction to Somatic & Experiential Psychotherapy - Course Evaluation - Recorded Audio/Visual Conference 1.75 CE Class