Course Description

  • Movement and sounds are our first forms of expression. Exploring how we move and what moves us is crucial to understanding how we show up in the world and in the treatment room. In this Pre-recorded class, participants will have the opportunity to look at their lived non-verbal experience and how to incorporate and explore one’s movement repertoire in a safe and insightful way and utilize it in the therapeutic relationship and process.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduce key theorists and their philosophies in the Dance Movement Therapy Field

  • Learn what and how to observe and how to utilize nonverbal communication in the therapeutic relationship/

  • Explore and practice with experiential movement techniques

  • Learn how to utilize music and lyrics to tap into a client’s lived experience

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Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to Bhava Therapy Group Continuing Education!

  2. 2
    • Information - Dance Movement Therapy & Music in the Virtual Treatment Room

    • Instructor Information - Requirements - Rules - Refunds - Policies

  3. 3
    • References For Dance Movement Therapy & Music in the Virtual Treatment Room

    • Powerpoint For Dance Movement Therapy & Music in the Virtual Treatment Room

  4. 4
    • Pre-recorded for Dance Movement Therapy

  5. 5
    • Posttest For Dance Movement Therapy & Music in the Virtual Treatment Room

  6. 6
    • Survey Scale

    • Course Evaluation For Dance Movement Therapy & Music in the Virtual Treatment Room